Take It Or Leave It!

Lately I start my healthy diet again…over the past couple years I have gained a lot of weight (15 lbs) and now I think it’s time to wipe up my internal body 😛 Today may be I can share my experience and of course my diet with you. The diet that I designed for myself is super low-carbs with 5-6 meals a day, six days a week.

  • 10:00am 1 whole banana
  • 11:00am 1 fat free yogurt
  • 12:00pm 1 cup of corns and green peas mixed, 6oz of boiled chicken breast
  • 02:00pm 8 oz of mixed fruit (blueberry, orange, kiwi etc.)
  • 04:00pm 1 whole banana or 5 pieces of crackers
  • 08:00pm 1 cup of corns and green peas and mixed veggi

Besides of this diet meal, I also workout 3 times a week. I focus more in cardios and a little of weight train then I will finish up with 15 minutes of sauna which is really helpful in terms of speeding up my metabolism. It is always more easy in just talking than actual doing it. I am assuring you the diet that I am taking is not something that one can tolerate not even for a week. I used to keep this meal plan for 6 months and I lost total 29 pounds in the first 45 days. Now I am back and still using the same meal plan….how about you. Take it or leave it 🙂

About Jan
I love to chill and I love to sing. I enjoy every single moment in my life with my lovely family.