How To Increase Google Trust In Your Website?

Google Trust

Do your best to increase your Google trust

You should not be doing things that shake the trust with Google in the first place. Getting to the top of the Google search results is a pain and a hassle, but it is free exposure to a lot of people. So, you do not have to make a big point of doing fantastic seo (Search Engine Optimization) like many of the other webmasters do, but at the very least you could try to do things right and not shake the trust that Google has in you.

Update it regularly

Making sure that your website is updated on a routine basis is a good way of gaining Google’s trust. If you maintain it on a routine basis (e.g. once per week, per month, per fortnight, etc), then Google will know that you have not abandoned your website. It will also indicate that your website is not a cheap spamming website that was created for a few uses before being abandoned.

Do not link from spammed links

Building up the trust of Google means not doing things that may be considered as black-hat SEO. Black-hat SEO is any technique that attempts to subvert the Google search engine friendly rules and tries to manipulate the system. Spamming links or comments is a classic black-hat SEO method, and you do not want to tarnish your good name by being anywhere near them.

If you are manually spamming links then you will not be “Found out” as soon as if you use a spam-bot, but it will eventually tarnish your good reputation. Also, be wary when you start your comment & link campaign. Even if you are doing it the good and honest way, it can still be misinterpreted as spamming.

For example, you may create well thought out comments and install links that are relevant to the web page, article and comment. But, if you have a lot of broken links over a short period of time, then Google may assume that you are spamming. Some bloggers simply do not like links, even if they are relevant and useful with regards to the comment you posted.

Be careful of the domains that you link to

There are some domains that Google will have flagged as potentially spammy, or a potential virus threat, or potentially using black/grey-hat SEO. It is not a good idea to have backlinks from these sites, or to link to them yourself. They are often used by unscrupulous SEO companies and Google knows it, so it is better to stay away from them. If they think you are potentially associated with the domain or owners in any way, then you may be tarred with the same brush. It may shake the confidence that Google has in you, so it is best to stay away from them.

Do not pay for social media markers

Do not pay for anything on social media. There are companies that will allow you to pay for hundreds of Facebook “like”s or Twitter followers, or YouTube “thumbs up”. But, you need to avoid them all. Google are well aware that people use these services and they will lower the value of your links from social media as a result.

Social media is now part of a good SEO campaign and so you cannot risk damaging any of its potential. If you do not have many social media markers such as “like”s or followers, then start posting more interesting or engaging things. Just a few “like”s on your Facebook fan page is better than hundreds of paid “like”s.

Add high quality content to your website

Over time, if you add high quality content to your website, Google will learn to trust you. It does take time for Google to start ranking you up the search engine results page. Sure, it is easy to get up there if you optimize for rare words, but in most cases, if you get up there very quickly then it is a flash in the pan. You can slowly lull Google into trusting you if you consistently upload high quality content and make your website useful.

Do not add any cloaked content to your website

Some people cloak links, others cloak keywords. Any sort of black-hat SEO is going to damage any trust that Google puts into you.

Do not spin written text or duplicate the text of other websites

This is something else that is going to shake the foundation of trust that Google builds up for you. Some people do it because they are afraid of missing a weeks worth of content. They get it into their heads that they need to upload content every week, and when they run out of things to write they take a shortcut such as duplication or spinning content. It is better to leave your website dormant a year than it is to do anything like this (so don’t!).

#googletrust #gaintrustfromgoogle #socialmedia
About Jan
I love to chill and I love to sing. I enjoy every single moment in my life with my lovely family.